A schema-less database is, naturally, a database that lacks a strict schema. The term NoSQL, coined in 1998, is typically used to describe such databases. NoSQL databases solve a lot of problems not easily solved in relational databases, such as flexible fields and object inheritance. There are a number of different types of NoSQL databases, the most common of which are document-oriented databases.
Even though it lacks a strict structure, a document database encodes data in a consistent and well-known format, such as XML or JSON (or BSON, the compact, binary version of JSON). A document is roughly synonymous with a record in a relational database, and a collection is roughly synonymous with a table. Documents in a collection, though they must not adhere to a particular schema, are generally similar to each other. When two documents in a collection contain a property with the same name, best practices dictate that those properties are the same type and have the same semantic meaning.
Most document databases tend to have extremely fast insertion times, sometimes orders of magnitude better than relational databases. They are sometimes not quite as fast for indexed lookups as relational databases, but they can store data on much larger scales than can relational databases. Some document databases can store many hundreds of gigabytes or even terabytes of data without sacrificing insertion performance. This makes document databases ideal for storing logging- and auditing-related data. Some of the more popular document databases include MongoDB, Apache CouchDB, and Couchbase Server.
Another popular type of NoSQL database is a key-value store. It is much like it sounds, storing key-value pairs in a very flat manner. This can be likened to a Java Map<String, String>, though some key-value stores are multivalue and can store data more like a Map<String, List<String>>. Some popular key-value stores include Apache Cassandra, Freebase, Amazon DynamoDB, memcache, Redis, Apache River, Couchbase, and MongoDB. (Yes, some document databases double as key-value stores.)
Graph databases are NoSQL databases that focus on object relationships. In a graph database objects have attributes (properties), objects have relationships to other objects, and those relationships have attributes. Data is stored and represented as a graph, with relationships between entities existing naturally, not in the contrived manner created with foreign keys. This makes it easy, for example, to solve the degrees of separation problem, finding relationships between entities that might not have been realized at insertion time. Perhaps the most popular graph database is Neo4j. Though Neo4j is written in Java and despite its name, it can work on any platform. It is, however, very well suited for Java applications.
NoSQL databases do not operate on any type of standard like ANSI SQL. As such, there is no common way (like JDBC) to access any two NoSQL databases. This, of course, is a natural downside to using NoSQL databases, but there is an upside as well. Each NoSQL database comes with its own client library, and most of these client libraries can take Java objects and store them directly in the database in whatever format the database requires. This eliminates the task of mapping POJOs to “tables” and properties to “columns,” and thus makes NoSQL an attractive alternative to relational databases for entity storage.
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