Saturday, June 20, 2020

The Best Way to Install Java JDK and Eclipse IDE on Linux Ubuntu Desktop

In order to install Java on your ubuntu, I assume you are working from home directory cd ~ or cd $HOME which in my case is "/home/omar" or use sudo su - to switch to root user and avoid typing sudo everytime you need root privilege. To start, open a new terminal Ctrl+Alt+T and run the following command: then run the command below to find JDK installation directory: Afterward, open the startup script file vim ~/.bashrc and add the following lines in the bottom: then run the following command to activate the new path settings immediately: Now that you have java installed, go to Eclipse IDE download page: and download the Eclipse installer archive. Once downloaded, extract the archive content by running the command below: After extracting the installer, open vim ~/eclipse-installer/eclipse-inst.ini file and append the following configuration: then launch the installer: cd ~/eclipse-installer/ && ./eclipse-inst and choose Eclipse IDE for Enterprise Java Developers. Once you have Eclipse installed, open its configuration file vim ~/eclipse/jee-2020-06/eclipse/eclipse.ini and add the following: now, create a shortcut for eclipse by creating a new file vim ~/eclipse.desktop and inserting the following content into it: then install the shortcut: That's it, congratulation! from now on you can find your Eclipse among Ubuntu applications.


 You can also install Lombok utility within eclipse; all you have to do is go to Lombok download page: and download the jar. Once the jar downloaded, launch it by running java -jar lombok.jar and specify the eclipse.ini file location /home/omar/eclipse/jee-2020-06/eclipse/eclipse.ini

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