Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Binary Search Tree

A Binary Search Tree (BST) is a tree in which all the nodes follow the below-mentioned properties −
  • The left sub-tree of a node has a key less than or equal to its parent node's key.
  • The right sub-tree of a node has a key greater than to its parent node's key.
Thus, BST divides all its sub-trees into two segments; the left sub-tree and the right sub-tree and can be defined as −
left_subtree (keys)  ≤  node (key)  ≤  right_subtree (keys)


BST is a collection of nodes arranged in a way where they maintain BST properties. Each node has a key and an associated value. While searching, the desired key is compared to the keys in BST and if found, the associated value is retrieved.
Following is a pictorial representation of BST −
Binary Search Tree
We observe that the root node key (27) has all less-valued keys on the left sub-tree and the higher valued keys on the right sub-tree.
Copied from here.

My Solution:

public class Node {
Node left, right;
int value;
public Node(int value) {
this.value = value;
public Node add(int value) {
if (value < this.value)
if (this.left != null)
return this.left.add(value);
return this.left = new Node(value);
if (value > this.value)
if (this.right != null)
return this.right.add(value);
return this.right = new Node(value);
return this;
public Node find(int v) {
if (this == null || v == value)
return this;
else if (value > v && this.left != null)
return left.find(v);
else if (value < v && this.right != null)
return right.find(v);
return null;
public int findSmallestValue() {
return this.left == null ? this.value : this.left.findSmallestValue();
public void traverseInOrder() {
if (this.left != null)
System.out.print(" " + this.value);
if (this.right != null)
public void traversePreOrder() {
System.out.print(" " + this.value);
if (this.left != null)
if (this.right != null)
public void traversePostOrder() {
if (this.left != null)
if (this.right != null)
System.out.print(" " + this.value);

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